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Mudarova D.M.




English language learning is based on the fact that it is an important part of the standard of the language. The general development direction of the world shows the need for fundamental reforms in the field of education and a significant expansion of the scope of intercultural cooperation.   

Ключевые слова:
teaching foreign language, importance learning language   

Learning English is a social issue. Today, knowledge of the English language is a guarantee of competence in one's profession. The English language as a subject plays a key role in solving the urgent problems of modern society, forming personal attitudes of students, successfully adapting them to society, and achieving the effectiveness of education and training, as well as developmental opportunities. In today's fast-paced science, in which information is rapidly updated, it is impossible to teach a person all the information he needs for his entire life. It is also important to increase the continuity of his desire to learn, his interest in mastering scientific knowledge.Today, English language learning is based on the fact that it is an important part of the standard of the language. The general development direction of the world shows the need for fundamental reforms in the field of education and a significant expansion of the scope of intercultural cooperation. In order to achieve the modern quality of general education, it is an urgent issue of our time to implement measures such as strengthening the service of some courses that ensure successful adaptation of students to society, including foreign language courses, and ensuring that secondary school graduates have a functional level of education. English is the language of international communication and is widely used in official and business meetings. English is the working language of the UN International Convention and the Navy, and is widely used in the computer industry.Modern foreign language lessons are characterized by the fact that they require active and attentive approaches of students, the achievement of active interactions. The fact that schoolchildren get tired quickly in foreign language lessons is due to the uniqueness of the lesson - the need to perform a large number of exercises, as well as the presence of some influence of the Turkmen language on mastering the English language. Therefore, in order to eliminate tension, fatigue and other obstacles, and to increase motivation to learn a language, it is necessary to regularly hold extracurricular activities on foreign language. The use of methods and tools aimed at improving students' cognitive abilities in English language classes is an urgent issue. Among them, it is possible to show various types of exercises for the purpose of psychological self-regulation, poems, stories, use of proverbs, use of rhetoric, analysis of problems. It is imperative that English language teaching be structured on a communicative basis. The school does great work in teaching English to students.In learning English, students not only need to know grammar, but they also need to learn vocabulary so that they can speak English fluently. Enriching vocabulary is necessary for students to learn a foreign language. The more English words you know, the more fluent you will be. There are many types of vocabulary memory. Recall words from a specific topic:TurkmenistanCity (siti)-??herTown (taun)-??her?eStreet (stri:t)-k??eCapital (kapital) –pa?tagtBuilding (bildin)-bina Trees (tri:z)- aga?larOnce you choose a specific topic, it becomes easy to learn the words. Because when you remember something, words do not interfere with unmediated memory. Words are easier to remember if you write them on one side of paper in English and one in Urdu. The key to learning English is to know the plural. Of course, you need to know grammar in order to pronounce sentences correctly. Because the owner of the sentence interprets the sentence by saying the sentence by leaving the message in place. Thus, to know a foreign language well, you need to enrich your vocabulary. Every person who knows a foreign language increases the fear of the country to some extent.   

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Номер журнала Вестник науки №2 (71) том 3


Ссылка для цитирования:

Mudarova D.M. THE METHODOLOGY OF ENRICHING STUDENTS' VOCABULARY IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES // Вестник науки №2 (71) том 3. С. 224 - 226. 2024 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/12992 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/12992

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